
Hotel Reservations

The conference will take place in Capital Hilton Hotel, in Washington D.C., US.

SIGIR 2024 has reserved a room block, offering discounted rates, complimentary WIFI and no nightly resort fee for our attendees.
Book your room here!

Accommodation for Student Attendees

We are pleased to inform you that the Capital Hilton has specially arranged for students attending SIGIR 2024 to book rooms at a reduced rate. A total of 50 rooms have been converted into double occupancy, and can be shared by two students.

These rooms are strictly for student attendees only. Please note that bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are encouraged to find a roommate and split the cost equally, as only one reservation is required per room. If you have difficulty in finding a roommate, you can reach out to SIGIR'24 Student Affair Chairs via email:

Access the booking site here: