In-person Policy

Information about the Authors

SIGIR 2024 Integration Procedure and Deadlines

In-person policy

SIGIR 2024 is an in-person conference. We believe that an in-person conference is beneficial for several reasons: it fosters direct engagement and networking opportunities, enhances the exchange of research ideas, contributes to a more dynamic and productive conference experience, and nurtures our research community by welcoming newcomers, providing them with the opportunity to become acquainted with SIGIR traditions. This decision has not been made lightly. We understand the challenges it may pose in the aftermath of a pandemic and amidst the uncertainties of the world around us. To accommodate those who cannot attend, we are implementing measures such as proxy presenters, livestreaming, and recording sessions. These steps are taken to ensure that everyone has access to the valuable content that the conference offers.

Below is a set of measures to ensure a pleasant and productive conference for all participants:
(1) The registration site ( opened mid-October 2023 to give international attendees more time to secure a travel visa. Participants can now obtain invitation letters to begin their visa applications. Please note that attendance at SIGIR is open to all, regardless of whether you have an accepted paper.
(2) All accepted papers (including all tracks) to the main conference are expected to be presented in-person. We anticipate that at least one author from each accepted paper will attend the conference in person to deliver the paper and address audience questions during the Q&A session. No pre-recorded videos will be accepted.
(3) In exceptional cases, if authors are unable to attend in person, they must designate a proxy presenter. Registered authors may also have the option to present remotely from the proxy's laptop, with the proxy presenter attending the session in person. If the authors cannot present the work for any unforeseen reason, the proxy presenter will present the work to the audience. It is the authors' responsibility to select a qualified proxy presenter and confirm their understanding of the technical content. We urge authors to plan ahead and allocate ample time to find and rehearse with their proxy presenters. Please note that even if a proxy presenter presents the paper at the conference, at least one author of the paper must register for the conference.
(4) The above points (2) to (3) apply to both oral and poster presentations in the main conference.
(5) If authors are still unable to find a proxy presenter, the Integration Chairs ( can be approached to assist in finding a suitable proxy. The authors must allocate ample time to prepare and rehearse with the proxy presenters. It is important to note that the primary responsibility for finding a proxy lies with the authors. Contacting the Integration Chairs should be considered a last resort, and authors should not rely on the committee for this task without first attempting to find a proxy themselves. Detailed instructions will be provided following paper notifications.
(6) Plenary technical sessions in the main conference, such as a plenary keynote speech, will be livestreamed. Live Q&A during these sessions will be supported and monitored, to ensure an inclusive and focused discussion.
(7) Video recordings of all technical talks will be made available on ACM DL or YouTube after the conference, enabling a widespread dissemination of Information Retrieval research to a global audience. This will also allow members of the SIGIR community who cannot attend in person to access the conference’s technical content at no cost.
(8) All accepted or invited papers and posters to the tutorials and workshops will be presented according to the requirements and arrangements of individual tutorial or workshop organizers. Registrations for tutorials and workshops will adhere to the standard registration rules of the conference.