Information for Authors of Accepted Papers

Link to: SIGIR 2024 Integration Procedure and Deadlines

We warmly congratulate all authors on the acceptance of your paper. We kindly ask for your attention to the following message, as it contains important details that require your action and cooperation to ensure the success of the upcoming in-person conference.

SIGIR 2024 is an in-person conference. We believe that an in-person conference is beneficial for several reasons: it fosters direct engagement and networking opportunities, enhances the exchange of research ideas, contributes to a more dynamic and productive conference experience, and nurtures our research community by welcoming newcomers, providing them with the opportunity to become acquainted with SIGIR traditions. This decision has not been made lightly. We understand the challenges it may pose in the aftermath of a pandemic and amidst the uncertainties of the world around us. We are implementing measures such as proxy presenters, live streaming the keynotes, and recording technical oral sessions to ensure everyone has access to the conference's valuable content and to enable the widespread dissemination of Information Retrieval research to a global audience.

Presentation format:

  • Full Papers: 15 minutes oral presentation + 3 minutes Q/A
  • Perspective Papers: 15 minutes oral presentation + 3 minutes Q/A
  • Reproducibility Papers: 15 minutes oral presentation + 3 minutes Q/A
  • Resource Papers: 5 minutes oral presentation (no Q/A) + poster in SIGIR 2024 Poster Session
  • Short Papers: poster in SIGIR 2024 Poster Session
  • Demo Papers: table for demonstration + poster in SIGIR 2024 Poster Session
  • TOIS Papers: 15 minutes oral presentation + 3 minutes Q/A
  • Other SIGIR content (DC Papers, workshops/tutorials, SIRIP papers): instructions for presentations in these tracks are provided by the relevant Track Chairs

Main Conference Oral Presentation Format

  • All accepted papers for oral presentations at the main conference are expected to be presented in-person. We anticipate that at least one author from each accepted paper will attend the conference in person to present the paper and address audience questions during the Q&A session. No pre-recorded videos will be accepted.
  • Please wait for further communication from the PC chairs regarding whether your paper will be presented orally.
  • All technical oral presentations, including Q&A, will be recorded by our AV technical team and uploaded to the ACM SIGIR'24 YouTube Channel, with the consent from the presenters. This will enable the widespread dissemination of your research to a worldwide audience, ensuring a long-lasting impact of your research. Please be prepared to be on camera and on YouTube.
  • The duration of Oral Presentation will be communicated later. Stay tuned.
  • In exceptional cases, if authors are unable to attend in person, they must designate a proxy presenter who will or has registered for the conference. Registered authors may also have the option to present remotely from the proxy's laptop, with the proxy presenter attending the session in person. If the authors cannot present the work for any unforeseen reason, the proxy presenter will present the work to the audience. It is the authors' responsibility to select a qualified proxy presenter and confirm their understanding of the paper’s technical content. We urge the authors to plan ahead and allocate ample time to find and rehearse with their proxy presenters. Please note that even if a proxy presenter presents the paper at the conference, at least one author of the paper must register for the conference. The proxy presenter must also be a registered attendee of the conference.
  • To help us gather the necessary information about your oral or proxy presentations, please carefully review the conference's Integration Procedure (in the “SIGIR 2024 Integration Procedure and Deadlines” section of this email) and the deadlines for each step in the Integration Procedure.

Main Conference Poster Presentation Format

  • All accepted papers for poster presentation at the main conference are expected to be presented in-person. We anticipate that at least one author from each accepted paper will attend the conference in person to present the poster and address audience questions during the Q&A session. No pre-recorded videos will be accepted.
  • Please wait for further communication from the PC chairs regarding whether your paper will be presented as a poster.
  • Poster presentations will not be video recorded. Our AV technical team will not capture these sessions.
  • The dates, duration, poster dimension, and other details for Poster Presentation will be communicated later. Stay tuned.
  • In exceptional cases, if authors are unable to attend in person, they must designate a proxy presenter who has registered for the conference. Registered authors may also have the option to present remotely from the proxy's laptop or mobile phone, with the proxy presenter attending the poster session in person. However, no power outlets will be provided during the poster sessions, except for the Demo Track papers. If the authors cannot present the work for any unforeseen reason, the proxy presenter will present the work to the audience. It is the authors' responsibility to select a qualified proxy presenter and confirm their understanding of the technical content. We urge authors to plan ahead and allocate ample time to find and rehearse with their proxy presenters. Please note that even if a proxy presenter presents the poster at the conference, at least one author of the poster must register for the conference. The proxy presenter must also be a registered attendee of the conference.
  • To help us gather the necessary information about your poster or proxy presentations, please carefully review the conference's Integration Procedure (in the “SIGIR 2024 Integration Procedure and Deadlines” section of this email) and the deadlines for each step in the Integration Procedure.

SIGIR 2024 Integration Procedure and Deadlines

  • All deadlines in this “Integration Procedure” section are Anywhere On Earth (AOE).
  • Author's No-Attendance Notification:
    Deadline: April 11, 2024
    Please inform us immediately or no later than the indicated deadline if no authors intend to attend in person (for instance, no authors will apply for visas or already know their visa applications will be denied). The notification shall be sent to, together with the author’s registration number associated with the paper.
  • Author Attendance Confirmation:
    Deadline: June 15, 2024
    Remarks: Kindly note that all presenting authors are required to confirm their attendance by this date, using the following form:
    In particular, by June 15, authors awaiting the outcome of their visa application have to start recruiting a proxy presenter, and update the information on the status (resubmission of the form, using the link of the first response).
  • Proxy Presenter Arrangement (By authors):
    Deadline: June 22, 2024
    Authors still awaiting a visa should have recruited a proxy presenter, and submitted their information (resubmission of the form, using the link of the first response). The obligation is with the authors, if despite considerable efforts they still have not been able to arrange a proxy presenter, the integration chairs can try to advise and help. Such emergency requests for help need to be submitted by June 22.
  • Presenter Rehearsals:
    Deadline: July 10, 2024
    Remarks: Proxy presenters for authors still awaiting visa should be ready to present in case of non-attendance of the authors. All authors and proxy presenters are strongly encouraged to rehearse their presentations to ensure a smooth delivery during the conference.
  • Submit one single response per paper (in coordination with all authors).
    Double check the paper ID and registration confirmation number, and spell out your full name and paper title so we can match this to the list of papers and the registration system. Do not send in multiple forms per paper, but update the information in the form using the link of the first response.
  • Integration Chairs Assistance Requests:
    As a last resort, in case of emergency contact the integration chairs directly by email to who will try to advise and help.

ICTIR Conference Call for Paper and Logistics (July 13, 2024)

The ACM ICTIR Conference has flourished into a single-day standalone conference scheduled for July 13, 2024, a day before SIGIR'24. ICTIR'24 will take place at the Capital Hilton Hotel and feature a keynote speech, (possibly) two parallel sessions, and a conference banquet held at the Hotel. For more information and details about the conference, please visit the official website and the call for papers page.

Visa Letters and International Travel Reminders

SIGIR'24 will be held in Washington, D.C., United States. While visiting the United States can be straightforward for many attendees, others may require additional efforts to obtain a visitor visa. To ensure a smooth visa application process and entry into the U.S., please carefully review the requirements for a United States visitor visa and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection regulations:

We also suggest you always be honest, consistent, accurate, respectful, and calm when responding to questions from visa officers or U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers. For general advice about your trip to the United States and Washington D.C., please see these additional resources:


The registration site opened mid-October 2023 to give international attendees more time to secure a travel visa. However, due to a change in the conference venue, the registration site has been temporarily paused since March 7th, 2024. This pause allows us to update our registration fee table, incorporate ICTIR registration, and introduce a new registration option: a day pass for Government Day (July 17, 2024) aimed at increasing local registrations. The registration site will reopen around April 4, and we will announce this on the conference website and the SIGIR Slack channel. Stay tuned for updates.

New early registration deadline: May 15, 2024.
New standard registration deadline: June 15, 2024.


The Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C. will be our Conference Hotel. SIGIR 2024 has reserved room blocks, offering discounted rates for our attendees. Hotel rooms can be booked through this link with the discounted rate enabled.

The Conference Hotel is also converting more blocks of double-occupancy rooms to support student attendees. Stay tuned for more information from us.

Student Travel Grants

SIGIR’24 will provide several types of student travel grants. Please note that each student attendee can apply to all types but can use only one of these travel grants at SIGIR’24. Combining multiple student travel grants is not permitted. You can find more information in this page.